Wednesday 17 December 2014

Edited images for my double page spread

Edited image
Original image

I used photoshop in order to edit the original image I have taken. I used the curve effects and decreased the brightness of the picture and used the magic wand tool to highlight the iris of the models eyes. I used the spot healing tool to  slightly remove the redness off her left shoulder. I like the effect I used because I think that it gives the image a morbid effect. I used the crop tool to remove the background around the side of the bath. I also used the free transform tool to enlarge the image. I wanted the model to look like she has had a long drunken night, and this look was the effect of how she feels the day after a night at a crazy dance club. I used an eyeliner under her eyes and smudged it under here eyes to give a tired effect. I instructed her to put her hands over her mouth because when I carried out pose research I looked at a similar image to this and thought it looked interesting as an image. Overall I am extremely happy with the outcome of this image and I intend to use this shot on my contents page.
Edited image
Original image
This image is going to be used on my contents page. I used the sponge tool to drawn in black and white surrounding her whole area of her eye, I changed the size of the brush tool and the intensity of it in order to make it easier to draw as neatly as possibly to avoid it from looking messy. I also used the zoom in and out tool when focusing on using the spot healing tool which I used to hide some of her blemishes. I also again used the curves tool in order to make the image appear slightly darker yet bolder, creating the image to look magical in my opinion. As I took the image luckily the yellow lineS automatically appeared. This is a happy mistake for me as I think they look creative and give the image a fantasy atmosphere about the shot.

Edited image

Original image
Original image

Tuesday 16 December 2014

The makeup tutorial I followed for my models

I followed the instructions off this makeup tutorial video off you tube, I enjoyed completing this makeup look.

Artists for contents page

These are the following artists in which I am going to include on my contents page:

1) Disclosure
2) Shift K3Y
3) Rudimental

Shift K3Y
I have chosen these three dance artists because I personally enjoy their music therefor I will have plenty of things to write about each of the artists.

Monday 8 December 2014

My weekly plan week thirteen

This week I intend to complete the following:

1) Music magazine covers voice thread analysis (dance genre)
2) Artists for contents page
3) The makeup tutorial (followed for my models)
4) Edited images for my double page spread
5) Social networking post

Questionare questions

The possible costumes/outfits/props considerations for my model for the magazine cover

Due to the fact that most of the dance music artists I listen to are male, I intend to use a male model on my music magazine cover, most dance artists are middle aged, therefore i am going to photograph my dad for my music magazine cover. My dad used to be a DJ in clubs and has actually made his own records, therefor he has great knowledge in this music genre and he also has his own DJ decks and all the equipment needed to make remixes. I am planning to take action shots of him making music with his equipment. I am also planning for him to wear a huddie jacket with a plane white tshirt underneath and jeans, similar to the picture above. I think this would look effective because most dance artists wear casual clothes. I am going to use the foundation on the image above to contour his face, in order for his skin to appear more defined and airbrushed and to make the image appear more stricking to my target audience. I also want him to wear his headphones on his ears or around his neck.