Tuesday 28 April 2015

Double page spread progress

I noticed later on when looking at my double page spread that I needed to lower down my image on the left page because the mast head was unclear for the audience to read as it was covering the words, 'He's back' to much. So I lowered the image so that it could be seen. And then my double page spread was complete. And i added photo credit onto the image of the artists in a white font.
I finished off the artists record cover by adding text onto it in a bold black font because I think this looked professional.

A anchorage was added to the top of the right hand side of the page and I added another image of a model to represent the artists record cover. I free transformed the image so that it was diagonal and fit in the space effectively and I placed a caption below the image. Then I Inserted a small page number on the bottom of the right hand side of the page in a green font so it could be clearly seen by the audience.
I then added the second column of text in the same font. I also added another lime green larger, bolder quote and continued to apply a dark green colour to the questions being asked to the artist. The text is in small paragraphs so that the reader will want to read the article and it won't look to overpowering for them to read.
I then added my first column of text, the start of the text has a large letter 'W'', I did this because I noticed that a lot of music magazines do this and I think that it makes the reader want to read on. The texts font is in, 'Lao MN' in the size 14pt and the font is serif, because serif fonts are mostly used for large chunks of text as the style is much easier to read for the audience. For one quote I made the text bigger and bolder and applied a lime green colour because, it makes the readers attention directly look at that quote and then makes them want to read the rest of the text. The question that is being asked to the artist it is a dark green font to show that it is a different character speaking and makes the audience aware of this, I also think it looks effective on the page.

Thirdly I added my mast head entitled, 'He's back by dope demand' which is the lyrics from a dance music record by King Bee which I admire and I thought that it fit in well with the fact that the artist in my magazine has come back into making music. The font is in a bold white font which stands out in comparison to the dark background.
I then found an image of disco lights, I then dragged it onto the document and decreased the images opacity so that it blended in successfully with the black background and I didn't want it to look to bold so that the text I was adding would stand out and be clear for the audience to read.

I began creating my double page spread by opening a black landscape page. I then added my chosen picture of my model to the left hand side of the page because when I looked at many varieties of music magazine double page spreads most of them had the image placed on the left hand side. 

Contents page progress

I then added a page number.

I decided to remove the social media tags because I think they didn't look effective.
Lastly I added a colum of text onto the white rectangle I used the font onyx again because I wanted all of the text to look similar. I added smaller text underneath each heading to give the audience a brief insight as to what each heading is about.
I then added a shape and placed it above the bolder white rectangle and added some text over it. The word, 'features' is bold and black, which in comparison to the white shape looks impressive. Then I placed the magazines issue date at the bottom of the right hand side of the page over the white rectangle in the font onyx.

I added the mast head, over the image of the model because I thought that it would be a good idea to use the models eye as the letter 'o' in the word 'contents'. I used a bold white font because this looked the most effective rather than using a dark colour that wouldnt stand out due to the dark background. I then got three social media logos from google images and added the internet names next to the images so that the audience know that they can follow or like the magazine online. I also added another caption under the picture at the bottom, this time the text was slightly bigger than the other caption because I thought this looked effective and makes the other caption look like a subheading. I also added another white rectangle however I didnt decrease its opacity as much as I did with the other rectangle because I wanted this one to look brighter because this is where my text is going to be placed and I want the text to look bold and clear to read.
Then I added a second image to the bottom left hand side of the page and added a purple toned rectangle behind the image and decreased it's opacity. I inserted a caption below the image in a white font entitled, 'onyx', which i think looked the most professional.
I inserted an image of a model and also changed the brightness of the image so it looked darker. I used the free transform tool to reposition the image so that it was slightly diagonal on the page.
Firstly I opened an A4 purple page onto the document and added an image of  hands at a party from google images. and used the curves option to image so that it looked darker and misty which is the effect that I was intending to create.

More front cover progress

Finally I added an image of a barcode on the bottom left hand side of the page and then above it I added a text box and  included the price, website and date of the magazine. I put the writing in a bold black font in capital letters to make it stand out.

I added a menu strip in a yellow font and added a drop shadow to it so that it would be clearer for the audience to read. I then added another header to the right hand side of the page in the same font as the other headers. lastly I added a small image of a pair of Bose headphones because they looked effective on the page and fit in well with the header opposite the image.

Monday 27 April 2015

Front cover progress

I then added a image of a white record and placed text over it, I thought that this looked professional. I also added two other pieces of text and added a drop shadow effect onto all of the text. I think that the name of the artist, 'Riven Kova' on the right hand side of the page looks effective and contrasts well with the dark background because the text is white, it stands out to the audience.

I then started to add text to the right hand side of the cover. I went on the dafont.com site and found a text entitled, 'Bebas Neue'. I used this for the font of the yellow bolder writing. I also found another font off dafont.com for the white text entitled, 'Code Bold'. I then added a drop shadow effect to all of the text. I then used the curves effect and changed the appearance of the colours of the page, I thought that by changing the cubes it gave the cover a bolder and more interesting appeal to an audience. I also applied an effect to the models eyes on the features article photo, to make the image more interesting.

I then added a small graphic feature on the left hand side and inserted the text,'free downloads' I added a drop shadow effect on the text to make it easier to read. I then added the feature article photo onto the cover.

I then increased the images vibrance and created the mast head, 'Euphoria'.  I then added the effects such as, Bevel & Emboss, stroke, inner shadow, and drop shadow to the mast head order to make it stand out in comparison to the background image.

I placed an image on my clear background by saving the image off google images and importing it by dragging it onto the photoshop document and lowered its opacity.