Wednesday 13 May 2015

My Blog

Hello, my names Mia, I am seventeen years old and I am currently studying AS Media at Hyde Clarendon Sixth form.This is my AS media blog in which I have posted my process and development of how I created my music magazine,  'Euphoria' which I enjoyed making. I hope you enjoy going through my blog.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

My Final Magazine

These are the images of my final front cover, contents page and double page spread for my music magazine.
Front cover

Contents page

Double page spread

Monday 11 May 2015

Evaluation Question Seven

Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt in the progress from it to the full product?

This voice thread explains some of the progress that I have made from my preliminary task (my college magazine) throughout to my final music magazine.
Since creating my college magazine I learnt how to apply the following features onto my music magazine on photoshop:
  • Create a text box
  • Insert a text box
  • Open an image onto the page
  • To insert shapes and change their colour
  • To free transform shapes, texts and images
  • Change texts fonts and sizes and colour
  • Insert and delete layers
  • Use the spot healing tool
  • To change font size
 During the process of making my music magazine I learnt how to:
  • Add a drop shadowed effect to text
  • Use the magic wand tool remove the background of my shots
  • Put text in front of pictures
  • Send pictures to the background
  • Change opacity of text and images
  • Insert fonts from onto photoshop
  • Add adjustments to my images e.g. curves, brightness/contrast and levels
  • Use the eye feature to hide layers.
  • Use the lasso tool to remove backgrounds of images
  • Zoom in and out
  • Use the eraser tool to remove unwanted sections
  • Crop images
  • Rotate images
  • Remove red eye
  • Use paint brush tool to add colour to an image
  • Change a selected area of the image to black and white using lasso
  • Use the blur,smudge and sharpen tool
  • Use the quick selection tool to select a section of an image
All of the features that I learnt throughout the process of making my collage and music magazine helped me to create my final design effectively. Overall I enjoyed the process of making both my college and my music magazine.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Evaluation Question Six

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
These are the following websites, apps and softwares in which I have used on my AS media course in order to help the process of making my college magazine:
The mail app allowed me to send my blog work from my phone onto the mac in college by simply emailing my work.
I used Indesign to place texts in columns on a draft magazine at the start of the year. This helped my understanding of what looks effective on the composition of a music magazine when there is a large amount of text (where to place it).
Outlook ( like the mail app), allowed me to send my work from my mac in college to my computer at home so that I could access my media work at home.

This website allowed me to create an animated collage of my music magazines drawn drafts of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I also learnt how to change the speed of how fast the images change by using the effects.
Microsoft work allowed me to create various documents regarding my magazine such as all of my production documents.
Prezi allowed me to create presentations which showed my research I used in order to create my magazine. For example I used Prezi to upload one of my evaluation questions. I found the website easy to use and thought that it made professional looking presentations.
I also used Microsoft Powerpoint to upload some of my research regarding my music magazine, for example my target audience presentation. I think that powerpoint is a simple way of displaying information.
Slide share allowed me to embed my power point presentations onto my blog. It is an alternate way to address my audience with an online presentation.
This is what I used to create questionnaires to obtain audience feedback.
This SLR camera allowed me to take high quality images for my music magazine. It ensured my images to have better pixelated detail on my images and made them look professional.
This software allowed me to upload my images that I had taken on my SLR camera onto the mac.This was an advantage because I could easily access my high quality images using this website allowing me to create my music magazine efficiently.
I used YouTube to embed videos for example I uploaded one of the videos to show what I intended my model to do on my front cover for my music magazine. is a website that allowed me to download various fonts to use for the text included in my magazine. There is a large variety of different fonts to use. It included specific fonts used on famous products such as, coca cola. I think that this website helped to make my text look unique since it had such a large range of fonts to choose from.
Flickr let me discuss my magazine and the possible institutions that would distribute my product. I found flickr very easy to use as I simply added comments and them embedded it onto my blog. 
This is the software that I used in order to create my music magazine. It allowed me to edit my images and alter them and place my included features in any composition. it also allowed me re size and define my images.I found it difficult to use Photoshop due to the many features and tools displayed however this software helped me to make my magazine successfully.
I used the weather app when carrying out my weather viability blog post. It allowed me to check the forecast in the area in which I had decided to take my shots of my models for my music magazine.
When i wasn't in college and I wanted to work on my media work at home I could access my blog and use a variety of apps on my phone which allowed me to continue the process of my blog at home.
Blogger is the website that I used to upload all of my work from September from my preliminary task right through to my final magazine. This website is easy to use and an effective way of showing my process of my music magazine.
Voice thread allowed me to analyse images with a voice recording.  I  could scroll from one image to another whilst commenting on their features.
I used the Pic Collage app to upload various photos onto my blog in a collage.
I used the notes app to write down pieced of information that I was going to put on my blog posts. So I copied and pasted the notes off this app straight onto one of my blog posts. This app helped me with my organisation as It allowed me to create new pages for different notes that I wanted to put onto my blog.

I used the camera app on my phone to upload pictures of my magazine drawn drafts and to upload the photos that I used for my college magazine.
I used the FX video app in order to merge various videos together so that they all merged into one video, this was effective when I asked my target audience questions regarding my music magazine.

Social networks

The gif that I created below shows the social networks I used to receive my audience feedback. I used, Facebook, I-Message, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat to ask my target audience questions regarding my music magazine so that I could gain quick feedback in order to improve my magazine efficiently. 

Evaluation Question Five

How did you attract/address your audience?

This Prezi explains how I attracted and addressed my target audience.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Evaluation Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product? Why?
My example:

Gender: Male 
Age: 17
Name: Mathew Probert
Occupation: College student

His favourite:
Film: Step up
Show: American horror story
Book: Hunger games
Music artist: Tiesto
Song: Adajio for strings (Blasterjaxx remix)
Genre: Dance
Social media: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Shop: JD

Mathew enjoys hanging out with his friends as he is very social. His favorite things to do are buying trainers and listening to music. He also enjoys reading mix mag as he is interested in the dance genre and he aspires to be a DJ in the future so he keeps up to date with the latest information and gossip about nearby jobs for a career. His up most favorite feature in a magazine is exclusive interviews with DJ artists because they motivate him to further his talent and he can pick up tips from the professionals, who he looks up to as his role models. His ultimate role model is the artist, 'Tiesto' because he feels that his music creates an amazing atmosphere wherever you listen to his tracks. Everyone thinks that Mathew is great fun and is dedicated to creating mixes in his spare time and that he loves any music with a beat drop.People like Mathew would buy my magazine because not only does it give them exclusive information on their favorite genre but it includes tips and gossip from the professionals. Their favorite artists will be featured in my magazine which would convince them to buy it. Also a viral world of mouth could be created about my magazine as they could find it online to allow them to post comments about the magazine and receive information about future issues coming out.

Monday 4 May 2015

Evaluation Question Three

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

front cover

I have commented on the media institution which might distribute my music magazine and why on flickr.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Evaluation Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is a split screen created in Photoshop of my double page spread image and an image I think is quite similar to my own design. I think that this image of Eminem is similar to my shot, because it is a mid shot where we only see half of the body and the models face which is effective as the models facial expression is usually what draws in the audiences attention. Both of the models are wearing plain clothing with no patterns, this also attracts the audience as it relates to the fashion of teenagers in society. The way that the model appears on a magazine is the main selling point because it inspires teenagers. The image that I have used shows the model in action (playing music) whereas the other image is just of the model sitting down both of these action relates to the artists being laid back by just playing their music and sitting down. The lighting of the images add a glow and makes them look effective, this also shows a sense of them being shining stars for example they have a famous glow maybe off a spotlight. The angle that both of the images have been taken are at eye level. This directly addresses the audience therefor it draws them in. This also suggests that there is a sense of an equality between the audience and the artist, suggesting that anyone could be like they are (a famous music artist) and that they are regular just like everyone else. The dark background colour is also suited to the target audience because most of the younger generation likes dark colours in comparison to light colours such as pink. Both of the images have been placed on the left hand side of the page representing that the models may not always be center stage. 

Saturday 2 May 2015

Evaluation Question One

In what ways does your magazine use, develop or challenge firms and conventions of real media products?

This presentation represents the information of how I, used, developed and challenged my music magazine in comparison to other firms magazines.

Friday 1 May 2015

Millennial generation and smart society

For an extra piece of information regarding my target audience, I will be targeting the millennial generation (also known as generation Y). This generation ranges from the early 1980's to the early 2000's. I will be mostly aiming my magazine at people born in the mid late 1990's an these people are digital natives who have grown up always knowing the internet and the latest technology. Nearly 78 million millennials were born between 1980 and 2000. Millennials are having an impact on business, churches, the workplace, politics and other organisations. Because of their impact they are to influential to ignore.

My weekly plan fifteen

This week intend to upload my evaluation onto my blog.