Sunday 3 May 2015

Evaluation Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This is a split screen created in Photoshop of my double page spread image and an image I think is quite similar to my own design. I think that this image of Eminem is similar to my shot, because it is a mid shot where we only see half of the body and the models face which is effective as the models facial expression is usually what draws in the audiences attention. Both of the models are wearing plain clothing with no patterns, this also attracts the audience as it relates to the fashion of teenagers in society. The way that the model appears on a magazine is the main selling point because it inspires teenagers. The image that I have used shows the model in action (playing music) whereas the other image is just of the model sitting down both of these action relates to the artists being laid back by just playing their music and sitting down. The lighting of the images add a glow and makes them look effective, this also shows a sense of them being shining stars for example they have a famous glow maybe off a spotlight. The angle that both of the images have been taken are at eye level. This directly addresses the audience therefor it draws them in. This also suggests that there is a sense of an equality between the audience and the artist, suggesting that anyone could be like they are (a famous music artist) and that they are regular just like everyone else. The dark background colour is also suited to the target audience because most of the younger generation likes dark colours in comparison to light colours such as pink. Both of the images have been placed on the left hand side of the page representing that the models may not always be center stage. 

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