Thursday 23 October 2014

Social media question

I decided to use a variety of different social media websites to ask the question, 'what features would you desire to see on a dance music magazine?'. I posted this question on my twitter, snapchat, Instagram, facebook and I message accounts in order to recieve answers from my friends and family who use some of the social networking websites that I have posted the question on. I thought that this method would be the best way to find out feedback.

Music Magazine Voice Thread Analysis (Indie genre)

I made this voice thread when I had decided to use Indie as my genre for my music magazine, I then changed my mind and decided to use dance as my genre. I still thought it would be helpful to leave this voice thread on my blog anyway in order to help me analyse a magazine cover in the future.

Pose research

    • 1)assume a particular position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.
  1. These are the two definitions of, 'pose', that I found off Google dictionary:

  2.      1) Assume a particular position in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.

    1. 2) A way of standing or sitting, especially in order to be photographed, painted, or drawn.
      "photographs of boxers in ferocious poses"
      synonyms:posture, position, stance, attitude, bearing
      "a photograph of a glamorous brunette in a sexy pose"

  3. I am going to try to use different poses for some of the shots that I am going to include in my magazine. Here are some images of some of the poses in which I think that I am going to try and apply in my own shots:
  4. I think both hands over the mouth looks successful as a shot, however when I get my model to do this action she will look morbid in comparison to the woman on this picture because I am going to apply dark makeup to her eye area.
    I thought that images of a models side profile looks professional and interesting as a shot so I also decided to use this pose.
    I like the effect of one hand holding hair, I may possibly use this pose for one of my shots.

Weather viability to check viability of photo shoot

I am considering to take one of my images for my contents page outside therefor I intend to carry out a weather check. I am planning to take the shot on the 17th of december therefor to check the weather I used the weather app on my phone and as you can see on the screenshot below its is predicted to rain, so am going to make sure my model is dresses correctly for the weather condition in which they will be modelling in for example, coat, hat, warm clothes. In order to not damage the camera I am going to be using an umbrella to cover it fully. As the camera will be strapped around my neck I'm sure i will be able to manage to take the shots successfully with one hand.
Screen shot of the weather.

Serif post


The following two images represent the sans and serif fonts. These two different fonts are used in magazines. Sans fonts are mostly used for cover lines and titles on the other hand serif fonts are mostly used for large chunks of text as the text style is much easier to read for target audiences. Sans fonts are plain and bold and do not have any curls on the rim of the letters whereas serif fonts are easier to read as the do have little curls on the ends of the letters, as you can see from the image above. Personally I think that I am going to use a sans font for my cover lines and titles and serif fonts for my large chunks of text because I think this will make my magazine appear professional and will make the text easier to read for my target audience.

My weekly plan week eleven

This week I am going to complete:

1) Serif post
2) Weather viability to check viability of photo shoot
3) Pose research
4) Music magazine voice thread analysis (indie genre)
5) Social media question
6) Names I may entitle my music magazine
7) The artists in which I associate with my genre
8) What miss-en-scene I associate with my genre (album covers and promotional shots)

Second podcast

Photographs already taken so far

This model will be used in this area on my magazine cover.

I think that this is a striking image that I am going to use on my double page spread saying,  'Aftershock of the dance club'. This is an image to represent what someone looks like who had a night out in a dance club.

I thought this image was interesting and I thought a good caption for this if I use it on my double page spread would be, 'Can you see the rhythm?'

This shot and the shot below are both been taken for  the same idea as the shot above.

I decided that I wanted to take a side profile shot in order to test different angles of the face to see what looked most effective, I think this looks effective however I think I may use shots of faces front on as well as side profile shots.

This shot and the shot below were just simple test shots using the camera with a flash, the room that I was in was pitch black.

I think that the blurred effect on this image looks effective and mysterious.

I think that this image is interesting, because of the way I am positioned, and the wallpaper is strange and modern which I think makes the shoot look effective.

I think that this image looks interesting, but as a practice shot I am not sure weather to use this image on my double page spread. 

This shot was taken when we were getting ready for the shoot.

The following shots were different poses that I intended to try out to see if I think any of them made an interesting image. 

This is the only pose that I thought looked effective in a shot.

Another example of a side profile shot.

I then then tried to get some action shots of my hair in the air as I thought this would look effective and if I choose to include one of them on my double page spread it would say, 'hair raising beats'.

I then wanted to get a shot of my friend Kirsty from a low different angle, she lay down and I was sat up so it has a slight birds eye view effect.

Most of these shots are simply practice images for my music magazine and the majority of them will not be used, but I think that taking these variety of shots has not only helped me to gain confidence with using the camera but also to see what shot angles and poses look the most effective. I really enjoyed this photo shoot. I need to decide which shots to use from the following example above and I may also be taking more shots.

Shooting schedule

This is my shooting schedule that explains the telephone number, location and date of where the shots have been taken.

Shot list

This is my shot list which informs what shot types I have intended to include in my music magazine, I have also mentioned why I chose to use certain shot types.

Model release forms

These are the forms in in which my models will be signing in order to take part in the photo-shoot for my music magazine.

Risk assessments

These following graphs represent all of the factors of a risk assessment in which I carried out in order to make sure that the models and I are safe throughout the process of the shoots for my music magazine. I carried out the risk assessments in the areas in which I will be taking the pictures. I will be checking if the areas have any dangerous or hazardous objects that could harm the models and I, such as sharp objects on the floor or any objects in the pathway of the model that they could hurt themselves on or trip over.