Tuesday 21 October 2014

Double page spread analysis

I have decided to analyse a double page spread in order to enhance my understanding of the different formats used to help provide structure and coherent layout inspiration for my own double page spread.

This double page spread has a very interesting composition, the long shot of the female artists takes up most of the space on the left page. I think that the red colour of the material the model is sat on and the red colour of her hair contast well together and look bold in comparison to the black and grey colours used in the background and for the colour of the text.The article is written on the right hand side and is in placed into three different coloums. The heading is extremely appropriate because 'you've got the love' is the artists on the shots, song. It is also in a serif font which catched my eye. The rest of the text is in a sans font that is easy to read. If it was my double page spread I would place the text in a different composition that is more spread out instead of having lots of text in each coloum. This is because I think that the amount of text presented is overpowering for the audience which may make them feel unmotivated to read the artical. The typography of the letter, 'D' makes the start of the text looking interesting. The artist in the shot is looking straight at the camera making the target audience feel connected. The bold, 'USA' typography in the background of the image informs the readers of what the article may be about. It also doesnt distract the readers attention away from the page as it blends in perfectly with the rest of the colour scheme. Two words in the text are in a blue colour which emphasizes the name of the artist in comparison to the rest of the text. Overall I think that this double page spread is effective.

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