Tuesday 30 September 2014

Music magazine cover analysis (Classic Fm magazine)

This magazine appears to me that it is aimed at the audience of the older generation due to the fact that most of the younger generation are more interested in current pop music instead of classical. The artist in the centre on the feature article photo is also a older musician who younger people may not have heard of because of the fact that he probably made most of his music before the current young people were born. The feature article photo is a mid shot and the colour scheme used on the cover is very mature in my opinion for example, the magazine is not pink and purple which is stereotypically a young girls magazines or a women's gossip magazine. The mast head is a connotation of the genre of the magazine as it is entitled classic fm and the genre of the magazine is classical. Also the head line explains that the artist on the feature article photo has brought out a new classical cd which also represents that the magazine is classical. The Baton in the artists hand is used by conductors of classical music to direct an group musicians this also represents that the magazine is about classical music. A denotation such as the cover line mentioning that CDs are rated, appeals to audiences who want to look at rates. Different font sizes have been used in order to make the magazine look more effective and interesting to read. The menu strip motivates people to buy the magazine because it says it includes a free cd and 50 free classical downloads. The letter, 'f' in the mast head is also in a different font to the rest if the text and is in a red colour this makes the mast head look more interesting. This magazine is overall very subtle and mature for the older audience its aimed at therefor in my opinion it is an extremely effective magazine cover.

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