Tuesday 30 September 2014

Music magazine cover analysis (Rolling stone)

One of the denotations such as the feature article photo of the female on the cover indicates to me that this magazine is aimed at most men due to the fact that she is wearing a very revealing outfit that would appeal to most people who are attracted to women and it would cause them to look at the magazine in a voyeristic fashion however it could also be aimed at a female audience because the woman on the cover may be a role model to them due to her body image or talent or they may also find her attractive. The way the women is positioned in the image is quite sexual because her face is serious and her arms are raised, this shows me thats she is posing, this attracts people to buy the magazine and represents her as voyeristic due to her serious attitude. The feature article photo and background image is in black and white however some of the text is in red this emphasizes certain aspects of the magazine such as the mast head and the kicker and the word, icon in the cover line is underlined in red, this appeals to the reader and automatically draws their attention to read the interesting topics therefor they know what the issue is about, this may motivate people to buy the magazine if they are interested in its recent topics.The artists name on the head line is in a large bold font compared to the rest of the text so it stands out the most therefore the audience is aware of the main artist mentioned in the magazine. The names of the other artists are in a medium font so they also stand out to the audience. The genre of the magazine is female artists pop music because all of the artists mentioned on the cover are female, I also think it represents females careers in the singing business. The mast head, rolling stones is a connotation of the magazines genre, being about music due to the fact that the title is a well know bands name. I think that the way the magazine has used a black and white background and red text on interesting topics is a very intelligent and effective idea for the magazine cover therefor I think it is successful.

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